Newark Bears State That They Intend To Operate

The Newark Bears ownership stated that it intends to play in 2014 despite being removed from the Can-Am League schedule for 2014.  No word yet exists on whether this is true.  If so, the team would have to address its “professional” standing as no other league in the region has an open schedule to add the Bears.  Articles will get posted should something get confirmed about the Bears’ official 2014 status.

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  1. They should take Wolff to court and challenge that decision on economic grounds. Myles is demonstrating a great deal of insensitivity here to a franchise that needs to keep going in order to survive.

    However, Newark could be included in Frank Boulton’s Diamond League, as it is drawing about the same as Atlantic City, Worchester, and Sussex have in the past. I forget who else is in that proposed league, but I’m sure Frank could fit it in somehow. They do play with only five teams in the winter Puerto Rican League, which has some credibility to it. It is not good to have players sitting around for three to four days, except to recover from injury or tiredness. But maybe such a schedule could be done. A travel team doesn’t serve the Diamond well.

    Newark could go and serve the Frontier League in place of the Greys even as the travel team. But I think the FL could give it a few home dates as well, and that would indeed serve its employees well. Of course, do not try to get back into the CanAm after that. But distance notwithstanding, Neward could be added to the Eastern division of the FL. OR it could next season add two more teams and have a three division setup, starting with Newark and Washington PA. Boulton’s league could overlap the FL and the AL, being innovative.

    Continued success to Newark. Hey, maybe you try the Pecos? NOT!

  2. Actually I mean to say a four division setup could be had in the FL in 2015, with Newark as its impetus.

    2014, however, could be a shared situation with the NJ Jackals, giving Newark at least a third of those home dates, and they could fill out some other dates by adding a college team which plays sporadically anyway. There may be two or three in that region already, and those leagues do not have to have an even number of teams to make their schedule work.

    How about a PDL soccer team. That stadium’s strange configuration might work for a few weekend games there as well. Think outside the box, Newark!!

  3. Wolff must be getting soft in his old age to be back peddling like this. He probably does not even believe in the CanAm as much as he does the AA, even though he owns teams in the CA. Time he wrote his memoirs, and let someone with more energy and vision take over his reigns.

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